Friday, May 6, 2011

Fiat 500: Big number, small car!

Fiat 500.  500 what?  At best, the name should have been Fiat 5.  This car is tiny!

From Torino, Italy, this toro only stands 52 inches tall, 52 inches wide, 117 inches long.

With 3 different engine sizes: 479cc (inline 2), 499cc (inline 2), and 594cc (inline 4), you're sure to beat the average bicycle or pedestrian in a race.

Guess how many horsepower it has?  I'll give you a hint, 500 - 479 = .......21 horsepower.

For obvious reasons, the Fiat 500 was marketed as a economical and practical town car.  It truely redefined the term "small car".

Do you remember at least one incident where you found a parking spot just for it to be a few inches shy of possible?  With the 500,  your eyes open up to a new world of parking possibilities!  Sidewalks, bicycle racks, and viturally thousands of "impossible" parking spaces seem reasonable.

This gentle beast is available on the market in price ranges between $9000 - $12000.

It certainly can't compete with our micro car, the Peel P50, but, it was definitely worth sharing.

Stay posted for more    smallest CARS IN HISTORY!


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